
Whether you are a freelancer, self-employed, company or business, the logo is very important. The logo acts as your image in the industry. A good logo can convey the companys business philosophy and brand culture. For example, if you are doing luxury jewelry, then you can show a noble feeling when designing the logo, which will attract most women.

About logo design is actually very professional and important, so we do not recommend customers to design their own logos or use various types of apps.

The disadvantages of non-professionals using logos to design apps or software are as follows:

1: Designing your logo with the app will not be registered. Reason: Too many people use it. Because the app is full of template graphics.

2: Logos designed by non-professionals are generally unprofessional and waste time. It took a lot of time and effort, and finally the bamboo basket was empty.

3: The logo made by the app class, if it is a little dissatisfied, no one can modify it. Finally, you have to pay someone to handle it, wasting time.

4: There are usually not many templates in the app.

Of course, there are advantages, such as being cheap and quickly designing a logo. Customers who need logo design can also choose freelancers or logo design companies (which are more expensive), which are good choices. Of course, you can also choose to buy and sell logo design platform, the author is currently the most recognized.

1: LOGOinLOGO, website: www.logoinlogo.com Support for trading logo design, get 1 logo for 50 dollars, the website home page is as follows : 


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